Notice of Privacy

About this website

“FEROTO” subscribes to this privacy notice in compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the “LAW”). The personal data that you (hereinafter the “Owner”) have provided directly or through electronic means to “FEROTO”, have been collected and will be processed by “FEROTO” under the principles of legality, consent and responsibility, of conformity with the provisions of the “LAW”.

“FEROTO” does not collect or store bank details in any way, which are the sole responsibility of the payment provider used by the “Owner”. Likewise, “FEROTO” informs you that the personal data (name, email and shipping address) provided by the “Owner” will be used exclusively for:

I) To facilitate shipping, transactions and follow up on product purchase orders;

II) To follow up on requests for information about the products we offer;

III) To send promotional information, about coupons and discounts;

IV) Evaluate the quality of our products;

V) Notify about new services or products that are related to those already contracted or acquired.

The personal data provided to “FEROTO” will be duly protected through security, technological, physical and administrative measures, preventing the improper use or disclosure thereof.

The “Owner” may at any time revoke the consent that he has granted to “FEROTO” for the processing of his personal data or limit the use thereof, as well as exercise his “ARCO” rights provided for in the “LAW”, through sending an express request, in free format, via email to the following address: [email protected]

The data collection of the “Owner” will stop when requested and any stored user data collected before the request will be deleted within a 3 business days period. The “Owner” will receive from “FEROTO”, by the same means, the confirmation that his information has been deleted from our servers.

This privacy notice may be unilaterally modified or updated by “FEROTO”, informing the “Owner” of said changes through its website (https/

About payments and transactions

Payments via Mercado Pago (Credit and debit cards)

In order to provide the necessary security to correctly carry out commercial transactions with the “Owner”, “FEROTO” has contracted the services of Mercado Libre, S.A. de C.V. Institución de Fondos de Pago Electrónico (hereinafter “MERCADO PAGO”) its affiliates, subsidiaries and related parties, who are committed to protecting your privacy, in adherence to the best international practices in the handling and administration of personal data, with high standards of ethics, responsibility and professionalism.

In the collection of personal data “MERCADO PAGO” follows all the principles established by Mexican law (Art. 6), related to legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

This privacy notice complies with the requirements established by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) , “MERCADO PAGO” takes the security of your data into account, so it has the technological, physical, administrative and legal mechanisms to fully protect your information.

Identity and address of the person in charge:
Mercado Libre, S.A. de C.V. Institución de Fondos de Pago Electrónico

Av. Insurgentes Sur 1602, Piso 9, Col. Crédito Constructor, Alcaldía Benito Juárez, CDMX. CP 03940.

“MERCADO PAGO” in its capacity as financial intermediary has undertaken to provide a quality service and with the security necessary to protect the purchase and sale operations between “MERCADO PAGO” and the “Owner”, thus obtaining a sales commission as consideration. of the operations carried out, for which “FEROTO” disclaims any responsibility in the treatment of bank data entered by the “Owner” in the “MERCADO PAGO” API since “FEROTO” under no circumstances receives or stores this kind of data, being the entire responsibility of “MERCADO PAGO” and of the banking institution chosen by the “Owner” as a means of payment, the processing of said data, anti-fraud security, and any need related to the transactions carried out on this site and its ONLINE STORE.

“MERCADO PAGO” offers security and confidentiality of the data it provides, since it has a secure server under the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol in such a way that the information sent is transmitted encrypted to ensure its protection. To verify that you are in a protected environment, make sure an “s” appears in the site prefix within the navigation bar: “https://”.

However, and despite having more secure tools every day, the protection of data sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed 100%; so once received, “MERCADO PAGO” will do everything possible to safeguard the information in accordance with the “LAW”.

To revoke your consent to “MERCADO PAGO” you must submit your request through an email addressed to its official privacy site, who will inform you about the procedure and requirements for the exercise of this right, response deadlines, the way in which They will make your right effective, and will address any questions, complaints or comments you may have in this regard.

“MERCADO PAGO” reserves the right to change or modify this Privacy Notice, at any time and at its sole discretion.

Payments via PayPal (Credit and debit cards)

In order to provide the necessary security to correctly carry out purchase-sale transactions with the “Owner”, “FEROTO” has contracted the services of Operadora PayPal de México, S. de RL de CV (hereinafter “PAYPAL”) its affiliates, subsidiaries and related parties, who are committed to protecting your privacy, in adherence to the best international practices in the handling and administration of personal data, with high standards of ethics, responsibility and professionalism.

In the collection of personal data “PAYPAL” follows all the principles established by Mexican law (Art. 6), related to legality, quality, consent, information, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

This privacy notice complies with the requirements established by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) , “PAYPAL” takes into account the security of your data, so it has the technological, physical, administrative and legal mechanisms to fully protect your information.

Identity and address of the person in charge:
Operadora PayPal de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.

Av. General Mariano Escobedo 476, Piso 14, Col. Nueva Anzúres, Alcaldía Miguel Hidalgo, CDMX. CP 11590.

“PAYPAL” in its capacity as financial intermediary has committed to providing a quality service and with the security necessary to protect the purchase and sale operations between “FEROTO” and the “Owner”, thus obtaining a commission of sale of the operations carried out, for which “FEROTO” disclaims any responsibility in the treatment of the bank data entered by the “Owner” in the “PAYPAL” API since “FEROTO” under no circumstances receives, or stores this kind of data, being the sole responsibility of “PAYPAL” and the banking institution chosen by the “Owner” as a means of payment, the processing of said data, anti-fraud security, and any other need related to the transactions carried out on this site and its “ONLINE STORE”.

“PAYPAL” offers security and confidentiality of the data it provides, since it has a secure server under the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol in such a way that the information sent is transmitted encrypted to ensure its protection. To verify that you are in a protected environment, make sure an “s” appears in the site prefix within the navigation bar: “https://”.

However, and despite having more secure tools every day, the protection of data sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed 100%; so once received, “PAYPAL” will do everything possible to safeguard the information.

“PAYPAL” makes its department responsible for the protection of personal data available to you in the previous paragraphs on its contact site. You can contact said department through the available means and by means of a free writing you can request the revocation of your consent to the processing of your personal data.

In the event of a dispute arising from this privacy notice, the parties will first try to resolve it through good faith negotiations, and may be assisted by a professional mediator. If after a maximum of 30 (thirty) days of negotiation the parties do not reach an agreement, the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties will be followed, the parties accepting the intervention that the Institute may have National of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).

“PAYPAL” reserves the right to change or modify this Privacy Notice, at any time and at its sole discretion.

In the event of a dispute arising from this privacy notice, the parties will first try to resolve it through good faith negotiations, and may be assisted by a professional mediator. . If after a maximum of 30 (thirty) days of negotiation the parties do not reach an agreement, the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties will be followed, the parties accepting the intervention that the Institute may have National of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI).


By accepting this Privacy Notice, you waive any other jurisdiction and legislation that may correspond to you. This Privacy Notice is governed by Mexican law, and any dispute will be resolved before the competent Mexican authorities.

If the user considers that their rights regarding the protection of personal data have been violated, they have the right to go to the corresponding authority to defend their exercise. The authority is the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI), its website is: